Content Development

The Power of TrueView Ad Campaigns for Driving Awareness from Lodestar Marketing Group
The Power of TrueView Ad Campaigns for Driving Awareness
The Power of TrueView Ad Campaigns for Driving Awareness 1024 468 Lodestar Marketing Group

With over two billion registered users, YouTube has enormous reach and provides many opportunities to drive awareness for your brand. Anyone who has been on YouTube will eventually see advertisements before, during, or after a video plays. The most common ads on YouTube are TrueView Ads. TrueView ads have several characteristics that appeal to advertisers…

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SEO-Friendly Practices to Increase Blog Traffic
SEO-Friendly Practices to Increase Blog Traffic 1024 796 Lodestar Marketing Group

When writing a blog to promote your business, one of the goals is to get your website into a good position where a large audience can see it. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial process for any business to incorporate into its blog. It can significantly affect where your blog is placed in search…

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Blogging is good for SEO
How Blogging is good for your SEO
How Blogging is good for your SEO 1024 684 Lodestar Marketing Group

Is blogging really all that important to your search rankings? Well, in a word, YES, it is. As blogging has grown over the years, it has become a key player in SEO and driving traffic to your site. Here at lodestar marketing group, we are big believers in blogging and we encourage our clients to…

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The History of Content Marketing
The History of Content Marketing 1024 683 Lodestar Marketing Group

Although content marketing appears to be a new “thing” in the marketing industry, it has been practiced for quite some time.  While the specific term “content marketing” may be fairly new in the “blogging” age, the concept of content marketing is anything but new. The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as: …a strategic marketing approach…

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content marketing agency seattle
Content Marketing: Why agencies need to learn from the past
Content Marketing: Why agencies need to learn from the past 600 600 Lodestar Marketing Group

One of the most important aspects of the marketing business is staying on top of trends, especially when these trends have a direct impact on the normal way of doing things. One such trend that impacted SEO was Google’s shift away from links to content marketing being the most important ranking signal.  This shift has…

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off page SEO checklist
The Off-Page SEO Checklist
The Off-Page SEO Checklist 598 448 Lodestar Marketing Group

The Off-page SEO checklist. Wow! Who knew that was even “a thing?” Well, for some, that term may seem like yet another piece of new digital-lingo, in an already confusing sea of digital lingo, but for those of us who live in this world, it’s a term that has been around for a while. Off-Page…

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digital marketing leads
Using Digital Marketing to Generate Business Leads
Using Digital Marketing to Generate Business Leads 764 556 Lodestar Marketing Group

If you’re a business owner or marketer, this question is ever-present in your mind: “How do I generate solid leads for my business?” Well, think of it this way, like a carpenter uses a variety of tools to build a house, there are a variety of tools that we can use to build a solid…

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generating leads from blogs
Can you actually generate leads from your blog?
Can you actually generate leads from your blog? 900 600 Lodestar Marketing Group

Learn how to generate leads from your blog with a few great tips from Hubspot In the digital marketing industry, we are often asked if blogs are really that important; after all, aren’t blogs really just people putting their thoughts to “paper” and then posting those thoughts online? Well, not exactly. Yes, it’s true, many…

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whats a content marketer to do
What’s a Content Marketer do?
What’s a Content Marketer do? 1024 683 Lodestar Marketing Group

That’s a question many content marketers are asking in the wake of recent updates at Google. Although this is not the first update of this nature, this particular update, The Hummingbird, has caught the eye of many content marketers. Why? Because this update has essentially “shut-down” keyword data released to webmasters, making it much more…

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