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What Are Different Types of Attribution Models?
What Are Different Types of Attribution Models? 1024 536 Lodestar Marketing Group

In the land of marketing, not all data is equal. We want data that provides insights into what influences consumers, and how to optimize our ads to get the most bang for our buck. What ad campaigns are driving the most revenue? How do we get our potential customers to respond to our call-to-action? There…

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Sharpen Your Marketing With a Buyer Persona
Creating a Buyer Persona for Your Target Digital Audience
Creating a Buyer Persona for Your Target Digital Audience 900 600 Lodestar Marketing Group

When it comes to developing an effective digital marketing campaign, the single most important step one can take is that of knowing their customer.  Who is the person that purchases your product or service? Once this question has been answered, the strategy for reaching your customer can be designed, tested and implemented. When we ask…

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The New Google Chrome HTTPS Requirement Could Impact SEO
The New Google Chrome HTTPS Requirement Could Impact SEO 1024 698 Lodestar Marketing Group

Google is in the process of making the web more secure, which is welcomed news for users and marketers alike. Currently, when users browse the web via Chrome, any HTTP connections have not been labeled “non-secure.” However, as of January 31, 2017, that has changed. Basically, what Google is beginning to phase in is a…

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