The Importance of Remarketing Strategies in Paid Digital: Lodestar Marketing Group

The Importance of Remarketing Strategies in Paid Digital

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Remarketing is an important strategy in paid digital marketing that can benefit your business by increasing performance. It allows you to target people you know who have an interest in your brand by reconnecting with past website visitors. Let’s discuss why you should retarget website visitors and tips to boost conversions.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing or retargeting involves serving ads to people that have visited your website or webpage in the past. It’s a great way to get your content back in front of people who are familiar with your brand and are further down the marketing funnel that are closer to taking action. For example, an e-commerce store might retarget customers who have put items into their cart but never completed a purchase.

Why You Should Retarget Website Visitors

Retargeting is an effective marketing strategy for your business because of the high intent and familiarity among the audience. Conversion rates for first-time visitors are lower, and not all traffic will result in sales. By retargeting people who have interacted with your content, your brand becomes top-of-mind, which leads to a higher likelihood of them returning to your site to convert.

Remarketing can also be a cost-effective strategy in comparison to acquiring brand-new leads or customers. Since you are paying to target people more likely to convert, you’ll likely get a better return on investment.

Ultimately remarketing is a way to reconnect with previous website visitors. The ads are designed to reinforce brand recognition and encourage visitors to return and take action.

Tips to Boost Conversions with Remarketing

We understand that remarketing is a powerful strategy for maximizing the impact of paid digital marketing. But how can we make sure it’s effective? Here are some simple tips for creating successful remarketing campaigns:

  • Segment Your Audience

When you are remarketing, it’s important to segment your audience. This means dividing visitors from your website into specific groups based on their behavior. For example, you could break up your audience by how much time they are spending on your site or what specific pages they are looking at.

  • Create Relevant Ads

Once you’ve segmented your audiences, you can create more personalized and relevant ads that will resonate with that group of people. The more specific your audience groups are, the easier it will be to tailor the messaging towards them.

  • Optimize Ad Frequency

One important piece of advice is to make sure that you are being strategic about ad frequency. Overexposure will cause ad fatigue, meaning that your audience will become bored and stop paying attention because they’ve seen your ads too many times. Limiting the number of impressions per person will help create a more effective campaign.


By strategically retargeting website visitors, you can increase the speed of the customer’s journey and improve ad performance overall. Remarketing should be integrated into your digital marketing strategy as it is a valuable way to maximize your return on the money you spend. At Lodestar Marketing Group, we understand the importance of this practice and want to help our clients reach their conversion goals.

If you need help launching an effective digital campaign, we are here to help. Contact us today by filling out our form!